Start Learning New things
How to Develop New Learning Attitude and Habit.
People like u always try new things and are interested to do and learn new things.
A lot of people try to develop a new habit but they start with energy and exirtmenrt for someday and as days pass they start loosing their excitment for it and sothey fail to continue, they miss the porpose. You can search for it on the web that How to develop new learning habits, and you will found lot of result, video, Blog Article. They are all show you right direction but you need to start, search other article, video or blog, what they show you, you start understanding them all, then what you do - you read it - watch it and think, And what your mind tell tell they all are great lets start it form tomorrow and you listen to your mind quietly. And this is your first step to fail, What I want to suggest you that do it on immediate basis to assimilate the new thing.
Here is simple step to follow for learning new habit.
1. Think about what you want to learn
Just think what you want to do, learn or develop any skill. Think all possibilities, where can you get this all, what i need to gather for it. Don't get demotivated if you find out 10 think which can help you to learn, and find out that 3 are out of your reach or you can't do or afford. Think about other and try to get most out of other remaining which you can your very easily. Think and use it.
Example ; If you want Start reading, Think what are possible way where you can read Book, E-Book, On Phone, Book Reader Like Kindle or other, Audio Book. Now first choose where you want to read, Take Book , You can find it in Library, can buy fresh or old book. or if you chooses online then you can download lot of book for free just need a Smart Mobile Phone.
2. Start doing it, and start with small but do it with finite goal
You have base now, just start doing it, you should follow what you want to learn. You need to start it on immediate basis without wasting a second , and most important is do it daily. Persistence and consistency is important. and at last set a goal for your habit so you can walk toward it.
Here You Choose Reading then Start reading Book Whatever you got first and here I am giving you another important tips for reading is that whenever you start reading as hobby, passion. first book should be small one say 100 or 150 pages or less but a book. Because it will you finished in less days and your motivation will not break, bulky book take time to finished and most reader leave it as they cant finished it.
one more tip will be like choose your interest area where you want to read.
one more tip will be like choose your interest area where you want to read.
3. Make Your Willpower Strong
Your willpower will play important role, if you want to learn or do something new , then you need will and have to always keep it with you. One thing which make your willpower weak is laziness. You should be ready to fight with your laziness. Make dedication, decide a half or an hour for your interest area it will help you to develop your habit.
4. Don't Waste Time to Find Out for Right Time
Which is right time ?? If you want to do anything or want to learn something, that movement or that time is right Time, more specifically right time is NOW.
IF you think, it should have been learned at a very early age. I don't have time for this now, then you will never going to learn anything.
So do it now, this is right time.
IF you think, it should have been learned at a very early age. I don't have time for this now, then you will never going to learn anything.
So do it now, this is right time.
Their are lot of successful people who achieve there success at late age, Time is Important but important is whenever is start doing anytime do it with full passion and start with no wasting of time, so NOW is important
5. Find Someone for Guidance
Teacher or Guide Or mentor is Most Important to making your life valuable, learning, and solving life. If you want to learn new things, you have to find out teacher or guide or mentor.
They will guide you, show you right way. Find Out Someone who is updated in your interest area so you can get most valuable knowledge from them.
6. Create a Good Circle
All Are Depends on your friends, family and neighbor circle or environment. Your Circle or with whom you spend a lot of time or time and all they are same of your mindset like want to learn new think, want to develop a good habit or success minded then it will help you always and keep you reminding that run along with them they are trying hard you also need to develop it fast. So Create a good circle so they can also motivate you for doing right things.
7. Persistency is important
Finally all you need to do with persistently. without doing it persistently you will reach nowhere. If you want to new think, the most important think is willpower but willpower is not useful if you cant do it with persistence so do think with your willpower but with persistence.
8. Monitor all your progress
Monitor all your progress, analyse your first 5 days, 10 days and 15 days. In this Period what is your progress, Make a report card for your progress and if you go down find out why its happening and try to overcome this obstacles. And if you are walking step by step up then also track your record and try to improve more, try to step up one step up
Sometime its hard to do it on regular basis but do it regularly so to create new learning habit. This is all for you, try doing it now because RIGHT Time is NOW.
I am Sandip Dod, from Mumbai.
Learn a lot and make other learn.
Written by Sandip Dod
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